Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why You Should Take Online Classes?

Online classes offered by your university can be an easy way to earn credit without stepping your foot into a classroom. You may want to take an online class during the semester to lighten your actual physical class load. You’ll still have to do the work but you’ll do it at your convenience. Web based classes will be structured and assignments and exams will have deadlines, you may be expected to join a group chat during certain times, but generally you’ll be able to schedule most of the work around your life and not your professor’s hours.

Taking web classes during the winter and summer sessions are a smart way to earn extra credit and give you a competitive edge. If your college isn’t offering the class you need, every major college offers online classes so look elsewhere. You may want take an online course at your local community college or state university. Or you can look to a traditional onlinebased college (all of their courses are internet based). Another option is taking a course at an uppertier college. You can take courses at an Ivy League or top college without applying as a traditional degree seeking student. Although taking this route may cost you more it presents a great opportunity, especially if you didn’t get into your college of choice. In fact, taking online courses can sometimes be a way to transfer into that college. If you’ve already earned a certain amount of credits (check with your college of choice), your college G.P.A. is high and you’ve earned credits at that particular school; this may be the secret code and certainly nontraditional way to transition in and become a student.

If you decide to take a class at a school other then your own college, make sure the credits transfer. Always talk to your academic advisor first. Although most colleges offer comparable courses, not all college credit systems operate the same way. Some colleges, such as the University of Phoenix online run on a different credit system. Therefore, your classes may not transfer back to your school. Generally if you take online classes at a large state university, the courses and credits will be comparable but always check to verify this.

The benefit of online courses is the flexibility that is allowed. The disadvantage is the lack of structure and discipline in an online environment compared to having to face the professor so unmotivated students may be more likely to drop out. As long as you know you can be the driving force behind your momentum in college and not rely on the professors to make you show up in class and take active interest, then you can succeed in an online atmosphere.

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